Our THC Free and Full Spectrum CBD Capsules offer a convenient and discreet method of consuming cannabidiol.

Firstly, encapsulated CBD delivers consistent doses, ensuring precise intake. Secondly, users appreciate the ease of ingestion, eliminating the need for measuring or mixing. Additionally, capsules bypass the characteristic taste of CBD oils, appealing to those sensitive to flavors. Moreover, they provide a portable solution, ideal for on-the-go lifestyles.

Furthermore, their encapsulated form ensures potency and shelf life. Overall, our CBD Oil Capsules present a seamless and effective way to incorporate the therapeutic benefits of CBD into daily routines, fostering well-being with simplicity and precision.

How do our CBD capsules work?

Our capsules work by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex network of receptors found throughout the body. When ingested, CBD capsules release cannabidiol into the bloodstream, where it binds to cannabinoid receptors, primarily CB1 and CB2 receptors. This interaction triggers various physiological responses, promoting balance and homeostasis.

Firstly, upon consumption, our capsules are broken down in the digestive system, releasing CBD into the bloodstream. Next, CBD molecules travel to cannabinoid receptors located in the ECS. Here, they exert their effects by modulating neurotransmitter release and influencing receptor activity.

Furthermore, capsules offer a convenient and consistent way to consume CBD, ensuring precise dosing with each intake. Unlike other methods such as vaping or sublingual tinctures, capsules provide a controlled release of CBD over an extended period. 

Ultimately, our capsules offer a simple yet effective way to support overall wellness by harnessing the therapeutic potential of cannabidiol.

Learn more about ways to consume CBD and what the right method is for you. 

How long does it take Capsules to work?

Generally, CBD capsules take 30-90 minutes to exert their effects. However, this timeframe varies depending on factors like individual metabolism, food intake, and dosage. Notably, taking our capsules with a high-fat meal can delay absorption but increase bioavailability. Ultimately, once the CBD reaches adequate levels in the bloodstream, its therapeutic effects manifest throughout the body. For best results, one should allow sufficient time for the capsules to take full effect.

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